Saturday, July 16, 2011

Big Words

Just a comment for last Semester's 407/607 class... a number of people mentioned in their 'sermon reflections' that they avoided certain words (or sometimes included them) on the basis of what the congregation would comprehend. That's not the issue. The issue is to select words that sound normal in day to day speech. Unless we're jerks, we don't usually deploy our most erudite vocabulary in daily social intercourse.

Joshua Talk 1

Just a note for those who came along to the MDiv extra session at Mitchelton... here's the outline for my first talk in the Joshua series we worked on during the day. There have been countless hours working on the series since then. I decided to break up the book around the seven 'rock piles' through the book. Did you spot them? I think they're literary markers as well as geographical monuments! You'll be able to read the full text of the talk (and listen if you like) on

Remember These Rocks (Part 1)
The Lord of All The Earth 
Joshua 1-4
1. Memorial Monuments
2. Background Briefing
3. Spying out the land ... "God in heaven above and on the earth below" (2:11)
4. Crossing Jordan ... "Lord of all the earth" (3:11,13)
5. Rocks to Remember ... :all people of the earth" (4:24)