Tuesday, February 28, 2012

What's the Big Idea?

This week we talked about getting the big idea - and what to do with it when you've got it. In summary, the 'big idea of a talk' = 'the big idea of the passage' + 'what you want people to do about it.' The class notes are here in PDF format.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Intro Preaching 2012 - Week 2

Ready for some action and excitement? Sorry. It's only a preaching class. But this week we recap in more detail the ten communication tips I previewed last week. They won't make you brilliant. But they can make you a lot less bad! Hit the link and download this week's notes here.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Welcome to the class of 2012!

Hi folks, and welcome to Preaching Class at QTC. If you work back through this blog you'll find class notes from the last few years - a nice way to get ahead of the game, but week by week, the old notes will be updated and will appear in fresh updates. Please FOLLOW this blog by doing what you need to do in the sidebar. That way you'll automatically get updates in your inbox. Comments and discussion are warmly encouraged.  This week's powerpoint is here. The 2012 Course Outline (Microsoft Word format) is here.